Published June 21, 2021 by with 6 comments

Let’s Talk Money – The Happy Nation

Bhutan is ranked as the most peaceful country in South Asia for the 2021. Sure, we are happy and proud. On the other hand, how can we be at peace when Our Majesty is in constant worry fighting Covid-19 at the front line? How can we brand ourselves the happiest nation when we know for a fact that we are far from being self-sufficient? Do we want to continue being the back drop for the people from rich nations to come and take breaks from their normal busy life? Or do we want to strive harder to reach their achievements, of course while keeping our culture and traditions intact?  

Recently I have been involved in writing content for a certain paper related to Covid-19 and its impact on Bhutan. I know for a fact that the number of individuals living off Druk Gyalpo’s Relief Kidu is huge. Recently, with the floating of shares (held in the name of Sungchob Fund and Kidu Fund) for sale, the extend of the pressure caused to the Relief Fund can only be imagined. If this cannot make us worry, then I don’t know what can.
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Published June 14, 2021 by with 2 comments

The Mind As Energy

If an individual wants to achieve the highest possible goal that lies within one’s ability, then one must harvest the energy of the mind. How fascinating is it that computers can store a large volume of information such as thousands of photos, videos, songs and perform varieties of task at a given time. This is nothing compared to the human mind. How many memories of events, people, past, future plans, ideas do we hold at a given time and still perform activities such as eating, watching tv, and analyzing all at the same time.

Our brain has been doing computation since the time we came into existence. One simple example to discuss; when crossing the road; we look to the left, to right, estimate the distance between ourselves and the moving car, estimate its velocity and calculate the time it will take to reach our point. All in a fraction of a second, and zoom, we cross the road without getting hit. Also, the brain never stops growing, in fact, learning new skills become easier as we stimulate the brain to allow more experience, it’s called neuroplasticity. It’s like learning to drive, scared in the beginning but gets better if we drive consistently. Similar interesting area to explore about brain is to explore the philosophical part of the mind.

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Published June 04, 2021 by with 4 comments

My Forgotten Blog

Almost a decade since I last posted on my blog. Recently, a young blogger friend of mine, in a casual conversation happen to discuss about his variety of online works. He shared about how he was also able to earn few amounts, to support through his education years. After the conversation I came to check on my long forgotten blog. While scrolling through the pages, all the memories of those blogging days came back. It was also emotional that I have forgotten the blog, but nothing on the blog has changed, it stayed exactly as how I left it some 10 years ago. Friends who followed the blog were still here. I felt terrible that I let my passion for writing suffer a slow death. 

During the initial years when I stopped posting on the blog, the writing was on, but my articles were sometimes too personal and sometimes too sensitive to post ( or so I thought). Since I wasn't posting my articles on the blog, slowly it seem unnecessary to even write down. After that, many articles have been written in my mind and disappeared into thin air, without ever coming out in black and white. As more years passed by, even writing in my mind stopped. 
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