Published October 03, 2009 by with 0 comment

As they revisit

Year 2006 was the best of times for them. Yangki , Yangchen and Penjor happened to be class mates. They had their own circle of friends but the three together formed one wonderfully funny group. The three had vastly different characters, yet they had so much in common. All three of them talked too much and they all had extremely high sense of humor. They came from a completely different parental background. In fact, they rooted from different regions. Yangki from the western central, Yangchen from the northern and Penjor from the east. As much as they hate to study they enjoyed being in school. Everyday was another day of fun and laughter. They used to laugh over every single talk they shared. Yangchen despite being the youngest knew what was to be done at what time, but she was too innocent or rather carefree to care bout her doings and sayings. Yangki had this weired character, she hardly knew what was going on with herself in the first place. Penjor hardly cared about anything whatsoever the situation was. They teased, made fun and laughed at each other's jokes and inabilities. Sometimes they argued over topics that hardly contained any importance to the outside world. At times it was fun for Yangki and Yangchen to pretend that they were hurt and angry over something Penjor did or said. All in all, those were the best of days. Sharing such moments had its own danger side. Yangchen sometimes doubted herself that she was falling in love with Penjor. She revealed in jest sometimes that she liked Penjor. Penjor was careful, he hardly saw any truth in it. He assumed it to be just another prank from the two girls. Yangki too considered it to be Yangchen's one way of teasing Penjor. May be it was just an infatuation. Even Yangki had those strange feeling towards Penjor. Even during the weekends she used to miss Penjor's silly jokes. The word love did not occurr to her mind anyways. May be she was too careful to fall in love. Penjor wondered what was going on with the two girls. He too felt a sense of belongingness with the two girls. However, the fact 'everything has an end to it' played its role. They finally graduated their high school. As much as their jolly nature, they all were quite bright students. They finished with good grades. They are now studying in different colleges. Yangki now realized that she had loved Penjor all the way along. She misses the time they had. No fairy tale miracle worked out for her love though she truly felt for Penjor. Penjor now has a girlfriend and he loves her dearly. Yangki has moved on as well. She wouldn't dare let him know bout the feelings she is having although she doubt Penjor might have also had some soft corner for her. While for Yangchen, despite having told bout her feelings for Penjor in half joke, they didn't hook up together. She too got a boyfriend now. Penjor on the other side, could not understand the friendship he had shared with the two girls. Everyone seem to have moved on with life. They are all happy with the present days as well. Still, those good times they always remembered. They make visit at times to those fun days they had shared, bringing nostalgia. They wished sometimes if they could turn back time. Revisiting their gone by days made them understand each other better. They gave more thought to the words they had spoken. They realized, perhaps, there was always some truth when Yangchen said she liked Penjor. Perhaps, there always had been some true feelings for Penjor under Yangki's innocent smile. Perhaps, Penjor too had lost a part of him to the two darlings. While they are keeping hope to meet someday, they are in touch, separated by oceans and mountains! and when they meet, days are never going to be the same like before PS; '..when the blue night is over my face..on the dark side of the world in space..when I'm all alone with the stars are the one I love..bla bla..' goes on MLTR on my PC as I write this article.
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